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Supplement Your Life!

Supplement My Life?

You may be wondering what I meant by "supplement your life".

All I really meant was - supplementing doesn't just mean financially. Anything that adds to the quality of your life is supplemental. Healthy food, nice clothes, new car - these are supplemental. So would anything extra that you are not used to having in your normal day. This means the definition of "supplement" in this case will vary with each individual. The question truly is a personal one:

What will supplement your life?

(The above is my definition for "supplement" and is what I mean when I use the word.)

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Supplement Your Life & Make Realistic Money!

Welcome to my blog "MakeRealisticMoney".

I made this blog to help newcomers just entering the Land of Internet Profits & Dreams with their desires of working from their computers in their own den/livingroom/kitchen/bedroom.

Many are looking for a needle in a haystack = the ultra-quick road to mass riches - and 98% fail and/or give up without wanting to try.

Many of those hyped-filled offers are short-lived and mainly benefit the person running the program.

Then there's folks like me and probably you too since you've read this far, and many others who truly want & need to find some way to supplement their monthly earnings. After all, it's very obvious there are tons of people out there making thousands of dollars daily!

Why can't it be you, or me....?

I've been working on several ventures, and I'm finally getting results. I've also learned some hard truths about the Internet and life itself! It takes patience, persistence, tolerance, focus, and yes - some money.

This is what my blog is all about - It's about helping newcomers to get started on on their paths to supplemental income made from our own homes and to stay on that path!

Just take care of your computer - it will be your office, files, records, and your entire business.

Please feel free to browse around. You can sign up for any of these websites you wish for many benefits including free advertising, marketing tools, safelists, and much more.

I'll be back with more places to visit and whatnot. In fact I will be constantly adding new programs once I verify for myself they are on the up-and-up!

See You Soon

Carol McCrow

Here are a few safelists I use all the time. They have some unique benefits and I have good responses at each of these places.

Roy's Magic List: I use the tracking available here. This one is fairly new and has a small membership base, but is growing and is responsive anyway! Just imagine when it grows more......
Roy's Magic List

European Safelist: This website has 5000 members and growing. European Safelist is unique in that they have their own autoresponders! You can use them too but you need to be upgraded. It's under $10 a month which is much less than the average autoresponder. I have good responses here too. Check it out: European Safelist

AdTactics Premium Safelist: AdTactics has over 7500 members and I love this site! I upgraded here to Partner because the benefits for this level of membership are so worth it. I never run out of credits, enabling me to send out emails pretty much whenever I want to. The upgrade was quite inexpensive too. Check it out here: AdTactics


Like widgets? Get your own for free! New website and fantastic program. Just click here: GotViralWidgets

Magic Roy's Ads & Traffic

For great advertising, website exposure, and dirt-cheap prices for points (1,000,000 points + 30 solos + 10 traffic links=$8.99 earlier today! Prices change suddenly) If you pay the one-time-fee for the pro upgrade and bring in referrals that also upgrade to pro, you will receive $10 paid straight to your Paypal account the same day you earned it. I've earned $100 so far... Care to join me?

Magic Inner Circle

Magic Inner Circle Is A Forced Referral Builder. The program itself is made up of several other programs including a few awesome matrices, advertising websites where you can promote your product or website, and several affordable randomizers, maximizing your earning potential! Most these programs are owned and operated by internet marketer "Magic" Roy Suchogorski. Magic Roy is known for his successful profit-generating websites and his advertising websites. He makes it easy and inviting to earn money with him. I know because I truly have made money referring new people to his advertising sites! Just click the banner below that will take you to my Magic Inner Circle Programs Website. When you are done checking out the different sites included, please scroll to the top and click on 'Home' to see what Magic Inner Circle is all about. If you like what you see and I'm confident you will, just go to the top of the website and click on 'Register'. When you are done signing up you will get your own builder and you'll be able to add your three most favorite sites, personalizing the builder! Have fun. Here's the banner for you to click on:

About Me

My photo
My name is Carol McCrow and I live in the Pacific Northwest. I work at home both as caregiver to my live-in mom and as an independent affiliate and advertiser online. I enjoy meeting others online that are doing similar work. I have much to accomplish yet and am working hard to keep focused and stay on a positive road toward success. I also have an overwhelming compassion for animals- especially the ones we domesticate and teach to rely on us. It means EVERYTHING to me that our pets get the quality care they deserve and need.